intuit partner platform - error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required in the IPP .Net AggCat DevKit -

i'm trying perform basic actions on .net sample app customer account data. problem happens in following code snippet (when i'm selecting bank , expecting details):

 protected void institutions_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e)         {             try             {                 if (institutions.selectedvalue == "pleaseselect")                 {                     institutiondetails.visible = false;                 }                 else                 {                     institutiondetails.visible = true;                     aggregationcategorizationservice svc = services.aggcatservice.getservice(cache,;                     institutiondetail insutitutiondetail = svc.getinstitutiondetails(long.parse(institutions.selecteditem.value)); 

i recieve following error:

error detail: error occurred while calling getinstitutiondetails: webexception: remote server returned error: (407) proxy authentication required. proxy-authenticate: negotiate,kerberos,ntlm,basic realm="" via: 1.1 fw connection: close proxy-connection: close pragma: no-cache cache-control: no-cache content-type: text/html content-length: 701

i'm executing sample is, without modifications. can reason of it? , how can fix it?

can test calls using cc bank (dummy institution) details:


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