In Python, is it possible to print exceptions even when they are being ignored? -

i'm aware it's possible ignore exceptions in python using try...except statements. possible ignore exceptions in python when occur, still print them?

i tried ignoring exception here, , therefore, exception not printed when encountered:

try:     num = 0     if num == 0:         raise exception("num must not 0!") except exception:     pass     '''the exception ignored, , not printed.''' 

i've written simple source-to-source compiler has lot of exceptions these, , i'm not sure how can ignore exceptions while still printing them. how can ensure exceptions printed console when being ignored?

you can print exception this.

try:     x = 1 / 0 except exception e:     print e 


as user1354557, gcbirzan, , jonathan vanasco pointed out, can use traceback , logging modules more precise error messages. error messages printed out these ways more verbose, (usually) thing.

import traceback  try:     x = 1 / 0 except exception e:     print traceback.format_exc()  # prefer traceback.print_exc()   import logging  try:     x = 1 / 0 except exception e:     logging.exception(e) 


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