android - NullPointerException on getPurchases() -

i trying purchases of user , , claim billing service null , process running in asynctask ,btw newbie inapp billing service , here parts of code :

my service connection :

iinappbillingservice billingservice;  private serviceconnection serviceconnection = new serviceconnection() {              @override             public void onservicedisconnected(componentname name) {                  billingservice = null ;             }              @override             public void onserviceconnected(componentname name, ibinder service) {                  billingservice = iinappbillingservice.stub.asinterface(service);             }         }; 

part of asynctask :

@override         protected string doinbackground(activity... params) {             final activity mactivity = params[0];              bindservice(new intent(""), serviceconnection, context.bind_auto_create);   connectivitymanager c = (connectivitymanager) getsystemservice(service.connectivity_service);             networkinfo ni = c.getactivenetworkinfo();              if(ni == null || ! ni.isconnected()){                      // stuff              }else{                 bundle purchases = null;                  try {                                       purchases =                              billingservice.                             getpurchases(3, "le.wild.packagename", "inapp", null);                 } catch (remoteexception e) {                     // todo auto-generated catch block                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                  if(purchases.getint("response_code") == 0){                     arraylist<string> items = purchases.getstringarraylist("inapp_purchase_item_list");                     arraylist<string> itemsdata = purchases.getstringarraylist("inapp_purchase_data_list");                      boolean o = false;                      for(int = 0 ; itemsdata.size() > ; i++){                         if(items.get(i).contains("le.wild.itemname")){                             o = false;                             continue;                         }else{                             o = true;                         }                     }                     // stuff             } 

i can using same way consuming purchases , getting buy intents , other functions , here , not working ! if need anymore info or here , in advance !

edit :

stacktrace :

07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719): fatal exception: asynctask #1 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719): java.lang.runtimeexception: error occured while executing doinbackground() 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ android.os.asynctask$3.done( 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ java.util.concurrent.futuretask.finishcompletion( 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ java.util.concurrent.futuretask.setexception( 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ android.os.asynctask$serialexecutor$ 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker( 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$ 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719): caused by: java.lang.nullpointerexception 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ seaskyways.quadcoremanagerplus.coresmanagement$2.doinbackground( 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ seaskyways.quadcoremanagerplus.coresmanagement$2.doinbackground( 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ android.os.asynctask$ 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    @ 07-22 15:58:12.830: e/androidruntime(12719):    ... 4 more 

bindservice async. take little bit of time before onserviceconnected called set interface. should bind service much earlier before need call it.

also naming variable starting uppercase confusing.


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