jQuery - check if class exists if no destroy a function -

i trying destroy function depending on existence of css class.

i want check class .active, class toggled clicking button. tried using


but work once, if remove .active still function running whereas want destroy after removal of .active class.

i tried .unbind() no use.

please tell me how destroy function totally after removal of .active class

    function destroy_no_active_class(){          jquery('#test.active').mouseover(function (e) {                 e.stoppropagation();e.preventdefault();                 jquery(this).addclass('highlight');             }).mouseout(function () {                 jquery(this).removeclass('highlight');             }).click(function(e){                 e.stoppropagation();                 e.preventdefault();                 show_data(this);             });          });    } 

assuming 'destroy function' mean want stop highlighting element, can check within handler once it's triggered, , execute logic conditionally. more useful unbinding handler, since automatically work again if element becomes 'active' again.

function destroy_no_active_class(){     jquery('#test').on('mouseover.mine mouseout.mine', function (e) {             if ($(this).is(".active")) {                 e.stoppropagation();                 e.preventdefault();                 jquery(this).toggleclass('highlight');             }         }).on('click.mine', function(e){             if ($(this).is(".active")) {                 e.stoppropagation();                 e.preventdefault();                 show_data(this);             }         });     }); } 

within handler, alternatively do

if (!$(this).is(".active")) {     $(this).off('mouseover.mine mouseout.mine click.mine'); } 

the downside here that, if element becomes active again, have rebind handlers. (note $ alias jquery. if have naming conflict, substitute jquery $ in code above have been doing.)


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