java - Webelement defined by @FindBy annotation returns null pointer -

for reason, when call method spage.editexbutton(int id), error saying webelement first null. why null? have defined using @findby annotation. have explicitly define element using findelement("xxx")) in order able click on it. why unable call using @findby notation?

public class spage extends gpage<spage> {      public spage() {         super();     }      public spage(string pagetype) {         super(pagetype);     }      @findby(id = "xxx")     webelement first;      public webelement ebutton(int id) {;         string tmp = id + "-edit";         webelement edit = getdriver().findelement(;         return edit;     }      public epage cedit(int id) {         ebutton(id).click();         return new epage(getbasepagetype()).openpage(epage.class);     } } 

i calling method this:

static epage epage; static spage spage;  @test public void edit_exception() {              epage = spage.cedit(idbefore); } 

you need call (preferably in constructors):

pagefactory.initelements(getdriver(), this); 

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