java - Why does this method print 4? -

i wondering happens when try catch stackoverflowerror , came following method:

class randomnumbergenerator {      static int cnt = 0;      public static void main(string[] args) {         try {             main(args);         } catch (stackoverflowerror ignore) {             system.out.println(cnt++);         }     } } 

now question:

why method print '4'?

i thought maybe because system.out.println() needs 3 segments on call stack, don't know number 3 comes from. when @ source code (and bytecode) of system.out.println(), lead far more method invocations 3 (so 3 segments on call stack not sufficient). if it's because of optimizations hotspot vm applies (method inlining), wonder if result different on vm.


as output seems highly jvm specific, result 4 using
java(tm) se runtime environment (build 1.6.0_41-b02)
java hotspot(tm) 64-bit server vm (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode)

explanation why think question different understanding java stack:

my question not why there cnt > 0 (obviously because system.out.println() requires stack size , throws stackoverflowerror before gets printed), why has particular value of 4, respectively 0,3,8,55 or else on other systems.

i think others have done job @ explaining why cnt > 0, there's not enough details regarding why cnt = 4, , why cnt varies among different settings. attempt fill void here.


  • x total stack size
  • m stack space used when enter main first time
  • r stack space increase each time enter main
  • p stack space necessary run system.out.println

when first main, space left on x-m. each recursive call takes r more memory. 1 recursive call (1 more original), memory use m + r. suppose stackoverflowerror thrown after c successful recursive calls, is, m + c * r <= x , m + c * (r + 1) > x. @ time of first stackoverflowerror, there's x - m - c * r memory left.

to able run system.out.prinln, need p amount of space left on stack. if happens x - m - c * r >= p, 0 printed. if p requires more space, remove frames stack, gaining r memory @ cost of cnt++.

when println able run, x - m - (c - cnt) * r >= p. if p large particular system, cnt large.

let's @ examples.

example 1: suppose

  • x = 100
  • m = 1
  • r = 2
  • p = 1

then c = floor((x-m)/r) = 49, , cnt = ceiling((p - (x - m - c*r))/r) = 0.

example 2: suppose that

  • x = 100
  • m = 1
  • r = 5
  • p = 12

then c = 19, , cnt = 2.

example 3: suppose

  • x = 101
  • m = 1
  • r = 5
  • p = 12

then c = 20, , cnt = 3.

example 4: suppose

  • x = 101
  • m = 2
  • r = 5
  • p = 12

then c = 19, , cnt = 2.

thus, see both system (m, r, , p) , stack size (x) affects cnt.

as side note, not matter how space catch requires start. long there not enough space catch, cnt not increase, there no external effects.


i take said catch. play role. suppose requires t amount of space start. cnt starts increment when leftover space greater t, , println runs when leftover space greater t + p. adds step calculations , further muddies muddy analysis.


i found time run experiments theory. unfortunately, theory doesn't seem match experiments. happens different.

experiment setup: ubuntu 12.04 server default java , default-jdk. xss starting @ 70,000 @ 1 byte increments 460,000.

the results available at: i've created version every repeated data point removed. in other words, points different previous shown. makes easier see anomalies.


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