java - Conflicting Jar Methods -

i have been trying make first gui music player in java. far have been able play mp3 javasound , mp3spi. now, want support .m4a songs , have researched best library jaad. downloaded it, added project , worked when tried play .m4a song. problem happens when try play .mp3 after adding jaad library. code playing songs is:

file file = new file(pathtosong); audioinputstream audiostream= audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(file); // obtains audio input stream of song     audioformat baseformat = audiostream.getformat();    //obtains audio format of song in audio input stream.     decodedformat = new audioformat(audioformat.encoding.pcm_signed, //the type of encoding audio stream                     baseformat.getsamplerate(), //sample rate of audio stream                     16, //number of bits in each sample of sound has format.                     baseformat.getchannels(),   //number of audio channels in audio stream                     baseformat.getchannels() * 2,   //number of bytes in each frame of audiostream                     baseformat.getsamplerate(), //number of frames played or recorded per second, sound in audio stream                     false); //data stored in little-endian order  decodedaudiostream = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(decodedformat, audiostream); //obtains audio input stream of indicated encoding converting provided audio input stream.  playsong(); //play song 

(playsong() read stream , writes bytes sourcedataline)

the error when try play .mp3 after adding jaad library following: resetting invalid mark     @     @ net.sourceforge.jaad.spi.javasound.aacaudiofilereader.getaudioinputstream(     @ net.sourceforge.jaad.spi.javasound.aacaudiofilereader.getaudioinputstream(     @ javax.sound.sampled.audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(     @ 

from understanding, seems getaudioinputstream javasound , jaad conflicting. how can resolve conflict?

well found solution using mp3spi , jaad alongside each other based on berry150's code in answer here: jaad stopping other providers working. first, have order jars in classpath jlayer, mp3spi , tritonous share loaded before jaad. getting audioinputstream, use following code:

if (getaudioformat().equals(".mp3")) {     audiostream = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(file); // obtains audio input stream of song             } else if (getaudioformat().equals(".m4a")){     audiostream = new aacaudiofilereader().getaudioinputstream(file);             } 

so happens if audio mp3, getaudiostreammethod() javasound called first since jar loaded first. if audio .m4a, new instance of accaudiofilereader() created , getaudioinputstream() of jaad library called.


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