css - CSS3 ch unit inconsistent between IE9+ and other browsers -

ie9+ claims support ch css unit. definition, unit 'equal advance measure of "0" (zero, u+0030) glyph' of current font, or, in simpler words, the width of character box glyph “0”. interpretation seems right firefox 10+ , chrome 27+: <div style="width: 10ch;"></div> , <div>0000000000</div> have same width given have same font of same size. in ie9+ ch unit seems mean different.

here fiddle demonstrating issue: http://jsfiddle.net/cnspg/6/

what logic of behavior of ie unit? or bug? possible make ie treat ch unit other browsers (probably ie-specific text rendering "magic")?

according caniuse.com, ie interprets 1ch width of 0 glyph, without surrounding space. makes 1ch shorter in ie compared other browser.


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