Time Scheduling in Navision with Timer -

i facing problem regarding running object , can form,report etc, automatically depending on user defined time. let @ 6am everyday, process report should run automatically.

how can achieve this?

i have found solution me.. example runs @ 7:40, 12:40 , 16:40 each day.

  1. using navision timer 1.0 navtimer automation 'navision timer 1.0'.timer

  2. set property 'withevents' of navtimer yes

    set property 'singleinstance' of codeunit, if using one, yes

  3. in on run trigger write

if isclear(navtimer) create(navtimer);  navtimer.interval := 1 * 60000;  // important! set 1 minute       navtimer.enabled := true; 

in timer trigger (it appers after change withevents property yes) write

stime := copystr(format(time), 1, 5); // cut seconds shour := copystr(stime, 1, 2); sminute := copystr(stime, 4, 2); if shour in ['07','12','16']   if sminute = '40'     if not codeunit.run(codeunit::xxx) then; 


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