javascript - Triggering a click event from content script - chrome extension -

in chrome extension's content script, click on links/buttons on webpages sites. that, use following code in content script (i embed jquery in content script):


this works on sites.

however, on sites,, ,, way of triggering click on elements not work. on, following exception thrown when attempt triggering in content script:

error: attempt made reference node in context not exist. error: notfounderror: dom exception 8 

strange thing is, if open javascript consoleon, include jquery , attempt same click triggering code snippet, works.

on ,, triggering not work in content script , there no error. cannot trigger "click" event through javascript console way did on

if manually use mouse click, works fine on 3 sites. hence tried simulate using mousedown(), mouseup(), did not work either.

this seems issue because javascripts sites hijacking , ignoring events. tried read code these sites see happening there code.

does have idea happening here , how fix it?

due browser extension sand-boxing, , basic jquery functionality, cannot trigger non-jquery click event trigger or click.

you can call raw dom element click method, act if element clicked mouse. use [0] access dom element:


although seldom need to, can trigger matching buttons using same code in each. this in each dom element quite simple:

$(css_selector).each(function(){; }); 


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