c# - Is there a way to register events in bulk? -

i have number of mother classes, each of these classes have different number of children objects of same type. , mother class need register event of these children objects.

wondering if there's way registration automatically?

something like: go through properties inside mother class, find properties of children type, , register event.

you can use reflections subscribe events.

define child class:

    class child {         public child() { }                      // define event         public event eventhandler didsomethingnaughty;          // proeprty used trigger event         public bool isnaughty {             { return this.isnaughty; }             set {                 this.isnaughty = value;                 if (this.isnaughty) {                     if (this.didsomethingnaughty != null) {                         this.didsomethingnaughty(this, new eventargs());                     }                 }             }         }          // private data member property         private bool isnaughty = false;     } 

define mother class:

    class mother {          public mother() {             this.subscribetochildevent();         }          // properties         public child child1 {             { return this.child1; }             set { this.child1 = value; }         }          public child child2 {             { return this.child1; }             set { this.child2 = value; }         }          public child child3 {             { return this.child3; }             set { this.child3 = value; }         }          public child child4 {             { return this.child4; }             set { this.child4 = value; }         }          // private data members properties         private child child1 = new child();         private child child2 = new child();         private child child3 = new child();         private child child4 = new child();          // uses reflection properties find of type child         // , subscribe didsomethingnaughty event each         private void subscribetochildevent() {             system.reflection.propertyinfo[] properties =                  typeof(mother).getproperties();             foreach (system.reflection.propertyinfo pi in properties) {                 if (pi.tostring().startswith("child")) {                     child child = pi.getvalue(this, null) child;                     child.didsomethingnaughty +=                         new eventhandler(child_didsomethingnaughty);                 }             }         }          private void  child_didsomethingnaughty(object sender, eventargs e){             child child = (child)sender;             if (child.isnaughty) {                 this.discipline(child);             }         }          private void discipline(child child) {                             messagebox.show("someone naughty");             // reset flag next time childe             //naughty event raise             child.isnaughty = false;         }     } 

then initialize mother object , subscript events:

    mother m = new mother(); 

then set isnaughty property of child1 true:

    m.child1.isnaughty = true; 

you should message box:

you should message box:





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