scala - How can I match case with shapeless variable? -
how can match case shapeless variable ?
let's have variable of following type shapeless.::[string,shapeless.::[string,shapeless.hnil]]
currently have this
authheaders.hrequire(shape_value => { val (client_id, client_secret) = value.tupled isauthorized(client_id, client_secret) } )
can somehow unwind string :: string :: hnil
string pair don't have in separate statement ?
there method unapply
in object shapeless.::
def unapply[h, t <: hlist](x: h :: t): option[(h, t)]
so match on hlist
scala> val ::(a, ::(b, hnil)) = "1" :: "x" :: hnil a: string = 1 b: string = x
or alternative syntax unapply
method tuple2
result: a :: b
instead of ::(a, b)
scala> val :: b :: hnil = "1" :: "x" :: hnil a: string = 1 b: string = x scala> "1" :: "x" :: hnil match { | case :: b :: hnil => s"$a :: $b :: hnil" | } res0: string = 1 :: x :: hnil
in case:
authheaders.hrequire{ case client_id :: client_secret :: hnil => isauthorized(client_id, client_secret) }
you use tupled
method convert function of n arguments function of single tuplen
for function:
val isauthorized: (string, string) => boolean = ??? authheaders.hrequire{ isauthorized tupled _.tupled }
for method:
def isauthorized(s1: string, s2: string): boolean = ??? authheaders.hrequire{ (isauthorized _) tupled _.tupled }
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