api - Use CryptProtectData & CryptUnprotectData in Delphi -
i want use cryptunprotectdata
& cryptprotectdata
in crypt32.dll
my code :
unit unit1; interface uses winapi.windows, winapi.messages, system.sysutils, system.variants, system.classes, vcl.graphics, vcl.controls, vcl.forms, vcl.dialogs, vcl.stdctrls; type tform1 = class(tform) btn1: tbutton; btn2: tbutton; edt1: tedit; procedure btn1click(sender: tobject); procedure btn2click(sender: tobject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var form1: tform1; const cryptprotect_local_machine = 4 ; type tlargebytearray = array [0..pred(maxint)] of byte; plargebytearray = ^tlargebytearray; _cryptoapi_blob = packed record cbdata: dword; pbdata: pbyte; end; tcryptoapiblob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypyoapiblob = ^tcryptoapiblob; crypt_integer_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_integer_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_uint_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_uint_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_objid_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_objid_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; cert_name_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcert_name_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; cert_rdn_value_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcert_rdn_value_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; cert_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcert_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crl_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrl_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; data_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pdata_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_data_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_data_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_hash_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_hash_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_digest_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_digest_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_der_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_der_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; crypt_attr_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pcrypt_attr_blob = ^crypt_integer_blob; type _cryptprotect_promptstruct = packed record cbsize: dword; dwpromptflags: dword; hwndapp: hwnd; szprompt: lpcwstr; end; tcryptprotectpromptstruct = _cryptprotect_promptstruct; pcryptprotectpromptstruct = ^tcryptprotectpromptstruct; cryptprotect_promptstruct = _cryptprotect_promptstruct; pcryptprotect_promptstruct = ^_cryptprotect_promptstruct; function cryptprotectdata(pdatain: pdata_blob; szdatadescr: lpcwstr {pwidechar}; poptionalentropy: pdata_blob; preserved: pointer; ppromptstruct: pcryptprotect_promptstruct; dwflags: dword; pdataout: pdata_blob): bool; stdcall; external 'crypt32.dll'; function cryptunprotectdata(pdatain: pdata_blob; var ppszdatadescr: lpwstr; poptionalentropy: pdata_blob; preserved: pointer; ppromptstruct: pcryptprotect_promptstruct; dwflags: dword; pdataout: pdata_blob): bool; stdcall; external 'crypt32.dll'; implementation {$r *.dfm} procedure freedatablob(var data: data_blob); begin if assigned(data.pbdata) localfree(hlocal(data.pbdata)); fillchar(data, sizeof(data_blob), 0); end; function getdatablobtext(data: data_blob): string; begin if (data.cbdata > 0) , assigned(data.pbdata) setstring(result, pchar(data.pbdata), data.cbdata) else setlength(result, 0); end; function setdatablobtext(text: string; var data: data_blob): boolean; begin fillchar(data, sizeof(data_blob), 0); if (length(text) > 0) begin data.pbdata := pointer(localalloc(lptr, succ(length(text)))); if assigned(data.pbdata) begin strpcopy(pchar(data.pbdata), text); data.cbdata := length(text); result := true; end else result := false; end else result := true; end; {============================================ } function encryptpassword(password: string): string; var datain: data_blob; dwflags: dword; dataout: pdata_blob; i: integer; p: pbyte; begin result := ''; datain.cbdata := length(password); datain.pbdata := pointer(pchar(password)); dwflags := cryptprotect_local_machine; if cryptprotectdata(@datain, 'password', nil, nil, nil, dwflags, dataout) begin p := dataout.pbdata; := dataout.cbdata; result := inttohex(i, 8); while (i > 0) begin dec(i); result := result + inttohex(p^, 2); inc(p); end; localfree(cardinal(dataout.pbdata)); end; end; function decryptpassword(password: string): string; var datain: data_blob; dwflags: dword; dataout: pdata_blob; i, j: integer; p: pbyte; datadescr: lpwstr; begin result := ''; if (length(password) > 0) begin datain.cbdata := strtointdef('$' + copy(password, 1, 8), 0); if (datain.cbdata > 0) begin getmem(datain.pbdata, datain.cbdata); := datain.cbdata; j := 9; p := datain.pbdata; while (i > 0) , (j < length(password)) begin dec(i); p^ := strtoint('$' + copy(password, j, 2)); inc(p); inc(j, 2); end; dwflags := cryptprotect_local_machine; if cryptunprotectdata(@datain, datadescr, nil, nil, nil, dwflags, dataout) begin result := copy(string(dataout.pbdata), 0, dataout.cbdata); localfree(cardinal(dataout.pbdata)); end; end; end; end; procedure tform1.btn1click(sender: tobject); var datain: data_blob; dataout: data_blob; datacheck: data_blob; lpwszdesc: pwidechar; begin fillchar(datain, sizeof(data_blob), 0); fillchar(dataout, sizeof(data_blob), 0); fillchar(datacheck, sizeof(data_blob), 0); if setdatablobtext('hello world test!', datain) begin try if cryptprotectdata(@datain, pwidechar(widestring('hello test')), nil, nil, nil, 0, @dataout) begin messagebox(0, pchar(getdatablobtext(dataout)), pchar(format('%d bytes returned', [dataout.cbdata])), mb_ok or mb_iconinformation); try if cryptunprotectdata(@dataout, lpwszdesc, nil, nil, nil, 0, @datacheck) begin try messagebox(0, pchar(getdatablobtext(datacheck)), pchar(string(widestring(lpwszdesc))), mb_ok or mb_iconinformation); localfree(hlocal(lpwszdesc)); freedatablob(datacheck); end; end; freedatablob(datain); end; end; freedatablob(datain); end; end; end; procedure tform1.btn2click(sender: tobject); begin showmessage(decryptpassword(edt1.text)); end; end.
but have error in 2 buttons , cant real string.
btn1 error:
--------------------------- project1 --------------------------- access violation @ address 76f2e23e in module 'ntdll.dll'. read of address 22481a56. --------------------------- ok ---------------------------
btn2 after decrypt show null , show me error :
--------------------------- project1 --------------------------- access violation @ address 00000000. read of address 00000000. --------------------------- ok ---------------------------
what problems ?
your code formatted next impossible read , analyse. if better formatted think you'd more comprehensive answers. here's can see:
- the records should not packed.
- the second parameter
should not var parameter. makingvar
parameter force pass it. since don't want use it, should declare pointerpwidechar
can opt not use it. - in
did not assignlpwszdesc
. what's more passedlocalfree
. - you using unicode delphi , have no reason use
here. caststring
, utf-16,pwidechar
. - you not allowing fact
2 in unicode delphi. treatment ofcbdata
in wrong. decryptpassword
passed unitialised pointercryptunprotectdata
leaks memory allocatedgetmem
.- i don't know
attempting do, it's broken. can't fix since i've no idea goals are.
however, i'm sure there more problems. have general advice you. there code in question. should remove as possible. should make smallest possible sscce. should simple console application. code should formatted readable, , preferably without resort horizontal scrolling. as helps us.
the point searching errors. if cut code down simple possible, there less check. if code visible , layed out neatly, easier check.
as getting specific details right, general principle of knowing how make code readable , concise more important here.
so, show mean, here original post converted sscce, , number of bugs fixed:
program so17823083; {$apptype console} uses system.sysutils, winapi.windows; const cryptprotect_local_machine = 4; type tlargebytearray = array [0 .. pred(maxint)] of byte; plargebytearray = ^tlargebytearray; _cryptoapi_blob = record cbdata: dword; pbdata: pbyte; end; data_blob = _cryptoapi_blob; pdata_blob = ^data_blob; type _cryptprotect_promptstruct = record cbsize: dword; dwpromptflags: dword; hwndapp: hwnd; szprompt: pwidechar; end; cryptprotect_promptstruct = _cryptprotect_promptstruct; pcryptprotect_promptstruct = ^cryptprotect_promptstruct; function cryptprotectdata(pdatain: pdata_blob; szdatadescr: pwidechar; poptionalentropy: pdata_blob; preserved: pointer; ppromptstruct: pcryptprotect_promptstruct; dwflags: dword; pdataout: pdata_blob): bool; stdcall; external 'crypt32.dll'; function cryptunprotectdata(pdatain: pdata_blob; ppszdatadescr: ppwidechar; poptionalentropy: pdata_blob; preserved: pointer; ppromptstruct: pcryptprotect_promptstruct; dwflags: dword; pdataout: pdata_blob): bool; stdcall; external 'crypt32.dll'; procedure freedatablob(var data: data_blob); begin if assigned(data.pbdata) localfree(hlocal(data.pbdata)); fillchar(data, sizeof(data_blob), 0); end; function getdatablobtext(data: data_blob): string; begin setstring(result, pchar(data.pbdata), data.cbdata div sizeof(char)) end; function setdatablobtext(const text: string; var data: data_blob): boolean; begin fillchar(data, sizeof(data_blob), 0); if length(text) > 0 begin data.cbdata := sizeof(char)*length(text); data.pbdata := pointer(localalloc(lptr, data.cbdata)); if assigned(data.pbdata) begin move(pointer(text)^, data.pbdata^, data.cbdata); result := true; end else result := false; end else result := true; end; function decryptpassword(password: string): string; var datain: data_blob; dwflags: dword; dataout: data_blob; i, j: integer; p: pbyte; begin result := ''; if (length(password) > 0) begin datain.cbdata := strtointdef('$' + copy(password, 1, 8), 0); if (datain.cbdata > 0) begin getmem(datain.pbdata, datain.cbdata); := datain.cbdata; j := 9; p := datain.pbdata; while (i > 0) , (j < length(password)) begin dec(i); p^ := strtoint('$' + copy(password, j, 2)); inc(p); inc(j, 2); end; dwflags := cryptprotect_local_machine; if cryptunprotectdata(@datain, nil, nil, nil, nil, dwflags, @dataout) begin result := getdatablobtext(dataout); localfree(cardinal(dataout.pbdata)); end; freemem(datain.pbdata); end; end; end; procedure test1; var datain: data_blob; dataout: data_blob; datacheck: data_blob; begin if setdatablobtext('hello world test!', datain) begin try if cryptprotectdata(@datain, pchar('hello test'), nil, nil, nil, 0, @dataout) begin writeln(getdatablobtext(dataout)); writeln(format('%d bytes returned', [dataout.cbdata])); try if cryptunprotectdata(@dataout, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0, @datacheck) begin try writeln(getdatablobtext(datacheck)); freedatablob(datacheck); end; end; freedatablob(datain); end; end; freedatablob(datain); end; end; end; procedure test2; begin writeln(decryptpassword('1111')); end; begin try test1; test2; except on e: exception writeln(e.classname, ': ', e.message); end; end.
i used code formatting feature of delphi ide lay code out in readable style. , converted console application have single file contains entire program.
this version @ least run , not raise access violations. it's make want do.
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