mvc - Controller methods called twice? -

base controller:

public class anacontroller : controller {     protected override void onactionexecuting(actionexecutingcontext filtercontext)     {         viewbag.aktifkullanici = kullaniciservis.aktifkullanici(kullanicieposta);         base.onactionexecuting(filtercontext);     } } 

controller inherited above controller:

public class anasayfacontroller : anacontroller {     private habersitesidbcontext db;     private haberservis haberservis;     private kullaniciservis kullaniciservis;      public anasayfacontroller()     {         this.db = new habersitesidbcontext();         this.haberservis = new haberservis(db);         this.kullaniciservis = new kullaniciservis(db);     }      // !!! following methods called twice !!!      public actionresult index()     {         return view();     }      public actionresult _solmanset()     {         // id si 2 olanlar sol manset haberleri         var haberler = haberservis.pozisyonhaberler(2, 3)             .tolist();          return partialview(haberler);     }      public actionresult _slider()     {         // id si 1 olanlar slider haberleri         var haberler = haberservis.pozisyonhaberler(1, 19)             .tolist();          return partialview(haberler);     }      public actionresult _yazarlar()     {         var yazarlar = haberservis.koseyazilari(5)             .tolist();          return partialview(yazarlar);     }      protected override void dispose(bool disposing)     {         db.dispose();         base.dispose(disposing);     } } 


... <article id="body">     @renderbody() </article> ... 


<aside class="aside_small float_left">    @html.action("_solmanset", "anasayfa") </aside> <section class="section_middle">    @html.action("_slider", "anasayfa") </section> <aside class="aside_small float_right">    @html.action("_yazarlar", "anasayfa") </aside> 

i cant find solution. suggestion? there no code, no js code. how can find second calling come from?


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